Organisational Capacity Assessments and Development

An organizational assessment is also an excellent method to take a figurative step back and evaluate how the organization operates as a whole. This is a planned systematic review of an organization’s processes, work environment, and organizational structure. The organizational assessment process guides the development of recommendations and action plans to support achievement of organizational objectives.

DOER Trust facilitates organizations in developing efficient systems according to need of the organization. DOER also facilitates and provide consultancy in developing Quality Management Systems in compliance to the International Quality Management standards. DOER team uses various organizational capacity assessment tools to assess the culture, governance, fundraising, HR, Financial, procurement and programmatic capacity of the organization and provide realistic and achievable solutions and recommendations to bridge the gaps for sustainable organizational growth. A final organizational assessment report provides all the findings as well as recommendations for addressing identified gaps and oorganizations can choose to implement those recommendations on their own or work with a coach.

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