Our History

The DOER Trust (The Development of Existing Resources Trust) is non-denominational and a non-profit making institution registered in under section 42 of the companies’ ordinance 1984 with the Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. The history of the DOER Trust goes back to 1980s and is an initiative of the DOOR Trust UK. It was established in 1987 by group of concerned Christian leaders, which wanted to help development projects and provide durable solutions to the varying needs of the local Churches, Para Church organizations and communities in Pakistan. Therefore “institutions and communities realized and utilized their full potential for self empowerment and sustainable development” became the goal of DOER.

Since 1987 DOER Trust has worked with different Church denominations and engaged in providing consultancy services, feasibility studies, and various types of training courses and exercises that build up the knowledge and expertise of the people who attend these training. It builds up the capacity of the oorganizations to not only better them but also to share their expertise and experience with others.


DOER Trust is governed by an autonomous management board comprising of highly talented, experienced and well-respected professionals and Christian leaders. The members & officers of the Board keep on revolving, as when the tenure of member expires new member & officers are elected by the existing Board.