Resource Mobilisation & Programme/Project Development

Resource mobilization is critical for all organizations as it supports the organization’s sustainability and ensures continuation of the services to the beneficiaries.

Resource mobilization is critical for all organizations as it supports the organization’s sustainability and ensures continuation of the services to the beneficiaries. The DOER Trust teams provides services in developing resource mobilization strategy to establish a clear overview of current and potential funding opportunities for the partner organizations to increase the long-term sustainability of the organization. DOER’s experienced team conducts a comprehensive analysis of potential donors based on geographic and thematic interest and assess the feasibility of securing multiyear and thematic funding. Further DOER also supports the organizations with program/project development by writing up concept notes and proposals to the potential donors. 

DOER team is well versed in conducing baseline surveys, Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRA), developing logical frameworks, Risk analysis, Implementation plans, M&E plans, Indicator Tracking tables and other key components. of the proposals as required by various donors. DOER Trust’s team has experience of writing up proposals for Church based funding partners as well as other donors including but not limited to UNHCR, UNICEF, USAID, ECHO, GIZ, BMZ, USDOS-PRM, USDOS-DRL, FAO, Ausaid, USDOS-BEP, OFDA, UNOCHA, Caritas partners and others.

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